Which DAS-6 Should I Go For?
If you have little to no experience of using a polishing machine the DAS-6 v2 Dual Action Polishing Machine is the ideal entry level machine. It's light, smooth and extremely safe. The 650W motor is powerful enough to remove deep scratches and severe swirl marks.
The DAS-6 PRO Dual Action Polishing Machine is a step-up in power with its 900W motor. This is perfect for professional detailers and car enthusiasts with some experience of using polishing machines.
Finally, the DAS-6 PRO PLUS Dual Action Polishing Machine features a 15mm throw (compared to the 9mm orbit of the DAS-6 v2 and DAS-6 PRO). The larger orbit means the polisher covers a larger surface area and will remove scratches and swirl marks quicker than the other two models. This is perfect for professionals who are polishing multiple cars a day.